Diary of an Unreliable Mind

(Warning.  The person portrayed here is not well at all. – Owen)

I’ve downloaded her picture so many times
She has to know I’m interested by now.
Why hasn’t she texted me?

= = =

I’ve liked every one of this other girl’s posts for months
Even the stupid YouTube videos by horrible bands.
I wonder if she digs me?

= = =

Women wear clothes, because
They want men to take them off.

= = =

A girl smiled at me at the grocery store.
I hope she doesn’t think we’re getting married,
Though, I’d sleep with her, I guess.

= = =

Here are some more pictures of her online.
She’s wearing a bathing suit and sunglasses.
I think that means she likes me.

= = =

Alexander the Great
Didn’t have the Internet.
He wasn’t so great.

= = =

Monica at the laundromat asked me out.
But she must weigh, what, 130 pounds?
No way!

= = =

The doctor’s upped my meds.
He also says I have to move.
Or the bank did. Or somebody.

= = =

I wrote the modeling agency
Where she works.
They sent another photo.

= = =

I don’t understand the power company.
Don’t they have enough money?
Do they really need mine?

= = =

I found out why that model never answered.
It says she lives in “Lisbon,” so
She doesn’t like boys


(“Diary of an Unreliable Mind” – 6-20-2015)

The Unreliable Mind Returns

(Warning: the person portrayed here is not well at all. — Owen)

I can’t remember a time
I was not hated:
Both hated for who I was, and
Hated for what I was not.

I’ve been weighed in the balances,
And found wanting;
I’ve been auctioned at a discount,
But relics just aren’t selling anymore.

(I’ll have to say,
As an organization,
The patriarchy does
A piss-poor job
Keeping its constituents alive.)

I bought a Hi-C, but got
A Hawaiian Punch. Then came
The Spam, and lots of it.
Some of it from Irkutsk.

Come see my mind, I’m having
An open house. No cookies, though.
Your browser wouldn’t accept them.
“Just browsing” used to be
So harmless, like TV fathers —-
And they weren’t all harmless, were they?

I joined the brigands at fourteen:
A bunch of mountain trolls was what
They were. And the dues were
Highway robbery.

Meanwhile, something scurrilous.

She told me not to come back, since
There was nothing wrong with me that
Thirty years worth of anti seizure medication
Couldn’t mask.

My brain is melting