Moral Absence

Take what you will, take what you can,
Leave others to their woes;
Run gold between your fingers and
Run sand between your toes

Stand there, in moral splendor while
Your fawning praises ring:
A choir of earthly sycophants
Employed by you to sing

Tell everyone the value of
The few men such as you:
And should you die before your time
It might be

More Miserables

Not everyone who steals is Jean Valjean,
With starving mouths at home to feed that day;
Some want to dry their hair, or watch a film,
Or hear an album, but don’t want to pay.

I don’t think ideology does this.
Whatever class, it’s more how people feel;
Some people would not, will not ever pay
For anything that they can merely

TST (Time Saving Tip) #1


There are those for whom “arguments”
Are a matter of force and will
Rather than right or wrong –

There is no winning arguments with
People of this kind, because
Not surrendering
Is more important to them
Than being right

One irony of this is
What they are usually arguing about
Is what is right
And what is wrong

But there method of arguing indicates
They are neither familiar nor particularly concerned
With either concept


Foolishness and hatred?
That’s what other people do –
For in the world of politics
There’s only “us” and “you” —

“You people” who don’t care, and want
All good things to destroy —
To hate from safe within a crowd:
That brings some people joy

But if you don’t see crowds, but see
Each person as they go:
The words seem empty and belied
By every truth we know

For foolishness and hatred, both
Are very human traits:
Beware those who encourage them,
And leave them to their fates

For life is hard when squarely faced,
And good we manage, barely —
For it is all that we can do
To treat each other

humility, to know

humility, to know the truth;
that what we know is small indeed:
that most grow older, all must die,
and everyone can break and bleed

but there are those, whose words i read,
who reach for ways to come to terms,
but gather only insolence,
and daily wash themselves with germs

but always find life reaffirms
the thoughts they gather in their heads.
yet, next to them, in that same crowd,
are others finding humble shreds

of life’s uncertain hues and threads.
i do not hold life’s answers here.
i cannot judge how others go;
for i, too, suffer yet, i fear

from arrogance, or something near.
but somehow, in the soul that seeks
to live in kind humility
i find a poetry that speaks

beyond our moral cracks and leaks:
for ‘faith’ has come to seem to mean
a smugness that just will not see —
but it need not mean that at all,
when it leads to