Beauty Doesn’t Know


I have a friend who’s beautiful
And yet she doesn’t know;
I’ve told her – lots of people have –
She doesn’t think it’s so.

She’s beautiful in thought and deed
In gesture and remark;
Where others see a calming light
She sees imperfect dark.

She won’t believe no matter what,
Whatever we might say;
Because she has the backstage view
She can’t believe the play

2 thoughts on “Beauty Doesn’t Know

  1. Lovely poem – last lines especially.

    Reminds me of a favorite song (Roxy Music) :

    […]There’s a girl
    I used to know
    Her face is her fortune
    She’s got a heart of gold
    She never goes out much
    But boy, when she does
    Then you know…

    She’s got no money
    Well, maybe a dime
    But she knows what she’s worth
    And that’s reason why
    She’s gonna make it
    She’s got what it takes
    You’ll appreciate that
    She’s probably late
    But I know
    And you know
    We all know
    She’ll have a really good time

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