
I remember one November
(I was in my early twenties, and
My father was still alive)
I met my parents out on the beach
At a Holiday Inn
For Thanksgiving Dinner

It was very cold:
Twelve degrees Fahrenheit
In Florida, standing next to
The Gulf of Mexico

12 degrees, sans “windchill”, mind you
Although the wind was blowing occasionally

I arrived about an hour early;
Enjoying having miles of coastline
Completely to myself,
As no one in their right mind
Would be out on the beach on
A day that cold

I had left my “right mind” at home

And I remember
Looking out at the shoals,
Or “The Sandbar” as we called it

Wondering how, on a day so freezing,
Anything could look so tropical

But also struggling to understand
Why I had no girlfriend

Why “everyone” seemed to be spending
Thanksgiving Day with families they had forged
As well as ones they had been born into –
Except me

But I loved that day
I loved how cold I felt
(It was painfully cold)

And I guess we begin
To truly understand
What it is to be thankful

When we’re even grateful

For the pain

Thanksgiving, the Unknown Story

Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated in the United States
And where we share the traditional slices of pizza
With passers-by in a spirit of goodwill
Engendered by the grateful good spirits created by our political process
And where celebrate our gratitude through
Our wholesale appropriation of the food of other cultures,
And music for that matter,
Via a public ritual of immolation by family
Before returing to the streets in our hipster garb
To hand out more pizza