Sketches – 75

Hmmm… let me think…
Yep, there it is.
These calculations prove it

Prove what?

You work too hard.
It’s all right here in writing

I work too hard?
I’ve never worked twenty hours a day
For 18 days straight on
One mural

No, you just work thirteen hours a day
358 days per year.
You can’t escape, it’s right here
In my calculations

What have you written down?
… “Drinks twenty Red Bulls per week…
Eats four bags of potato chips…
You’ve been keeping track?

All kidding aside,
I worry about you.
I really do

And I worry about you

Me? Why?

Because… while, this year
Has turned everyone’s world upside down,
You have seen virtually everything you love
Go away.
You haven’t seen your niece or nephew…
The gallery has been closed…
The university job fell through…
And, worst of all…


You’ve been stuck here with me.
Every day.

Just you, me, and
A whole bunch of
Red Bull, potato chips, and donuts.

It is weird how much of our lives and energy
Go into our jobs. At least
You are an artist, all your work is, you know…

You are, too, after a fashion.
As much as the corporate world will allow

It is catching up with me, though.
I can feel it.

And I understand.
I just want you to take
Better care of yourself

Donuts are like my friends.
I hate losing friends

I’ll find ways to make you feel better

I never really liked donuts anyway

Sketches – 74

Do you have any idea how much I love you?

And I love you
But I’m still taking this picture

It was worth a shot
I thought I might divert you

Why do you hate getting your picture taken so much?
You are very handsome in an… actuarial sort of way


Why do you interpret that as bad?
I obviously think you’re handsome
Since we.. you know…

Since we… I know… what?

Since we’re… intimate.

Oh, sure, drag that up.
Just because we’re married and sleep together
You think you can just barge in here and
Tell me I’m handsome

“Barge in here”? We are outside!

That’s W-A-A-A-Y-Y beside the point

I got you with your mouth wide open saying, “WAY”

Do you any idea how irritating you are?

That’s why you love me

It actually sort of is

you again

the song keeps going through my mind:
the candles on the dresser there —
you lay upon the bed and looked,
the flickering was in your hair —

and dim as everything might be,
we found a way, that moment, then
to join the dark and light as one:
the way things always should have been —

i close my eyes and count to ten
to have that time that place revive —
it’s you, and then it’s you again,
who always brings my dreams


Snapshot: Shadows

I bring to you my shadows,
For I have grown them long
Amid the spiraling decay
Of legacy gone wrong

I cannot claim that I have been
A difference to many;
I spin my tires in these woods,
Anxieties aplenty,

And though the light would find its way
To touch my weary eyes,
I know these shadows far too well:
I’ve come to realize

That what I am is what I’ll be.
And though I roam and range,
I cannot flee the dark that’s me
Or really hope

To change

A little below the trees…

A little below the trees I live;
A little behind the times I stay —
It may seem a little bit odd to you,
This day and age, to live this way —

It’s not that I don’t understand the rage
That motivates people, now, everyday,
It’s just, I’m a little bit less than sure
That it ever made anything bad

Go away

Snapshot: Lonely Day

When you’d forgotten where you were,
When you could feel the cold inside,
When all the ground you covered felt
Like just a hamster wheel

When choices made felt so unmade,
When winter seemed to know you best,
And only the iciness within
Felt anything like real

When afterthoughts seem everything,
And tears won’t come when well they should,
When you remember lies the best
For little good seems true

You walk because you have to move,
You think but thoughts will not go still,
You cover ground repeatedly
For what else can

You do?