Each End

each day, 
a little older; 
each end, 
a crossing over

The picture above is of a rock bridge in a park nearby where I used to take my kids, and I now occasionally take my grandkids. Bridges fascinate me, in all their varieties.

If you’ve ever tried to build a bridge out of Legos, you realize pretty quickly that bridges constructed in that manner do not want to stand up, they want to collapse. The amount of engineering that goes into bridges that last hundreds of years has always been remarkable.

Stone bridges and covered wooden bridges are particularly wonderful. I’ve used probably 100 different bridge photos in these posts over the years.

For much of human history, when you hit a reasonably long, deep, or wide body of water, you’d reached the end of your journey. There was no practical way to go further. Bridges turn “ends” into “new beginnings”. They are natural markers on journeys.

As this is the last of 30 NanoPoblano days for 2023, it is traditional to mark the occasion with expressions of relief, gratitude, regret, and any one of countless other emotions writing and posting more often for a month might bring up. I’m grateful to everyone who reads this blog, and I am equally grateful for the chance to share some of your lives through your blogs this last month.

November 30th can be a river to stop at, or a bridge to keep going. Not sure which I’ll do, but it’s good to know that bridges are an option.

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