Finding A Home

The child smiles at me,
I smile at him —
His mother smiles, too,
And all is well

The other three-hundred thousand
Travelers behind me not noticing —

Her husband comes
A sister, too —
And the child finds his home amid
These very strange


Today’s post was supposed to be coming to you from the Arizona desert, but instead, I’m stuck at the Atlanta Airport.

For, oh, twelve hours longer than I was planning.

However, a long wait at an airport like this one is a little like spending a day at a mall. It could be worse. Much worse.

I typically am not much a “people-watcher”, at least as that is defined where I live. People-watchers are far more critical than I am, for one. “People-watchers” might find people who are dressed oddly…

… like I often am …

… and laugh at them. I’m more the type who looks at thousands of passers-by and thinks, “Wow. This many people find strength to get out of bed in the morning and brave life. Amazing.”

Flashback: (Me, age 18, reading a college catalog) “How come they have a Dramatic Arts Major, but not a Melodramatic Arts Major? I could ace that!”

Along with having non-sequitur flashbacks, I’m actually working while I’m here at the airport. I’m also listening to a TV show, texting my wife, and writing this blog post. I plan on eating a couple of meals later, taking a long walk around the many concourses, riding the train, and perhaps seeing if I can organize a flash mob to do a KC and the Sunshine Band medley.

Keep it comin’, love, indeed.

This is a picture of me from a couple of days ago.

I haven’t used a razor now since September 3rd. I am not, in doing this, making any kind of political statement or raising any money for charity. I have, however, saved money on razors and shaving cream.

So I can spend it at the Atlanta Airport.

8 thoughts on “Finding A Home

  1. The small moments we connect with people although we never see them again… but we see them, really see them for that moment are precious. Love the beard!

  2. I have to admire your fortitude, I’d be climbing the walls after 12 hours stuck at an airport. I’m sure Dante would have come up with a 10th circle of hell if he were alive today and it would definitely involve airport lounges!
    Loved the poem, it was so sweet and, if you do organise the flash mob – video please :O)

  3. Pingback: Day 7 – NanoPoblano – “All That Mighty Heart” by David Ellis – A Found Poem Inspired by “Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” by William Wordsworth | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

  4. My daughters have met famous people at airports while waiting for planes. One was Chris Robinson of the Black Crowes, the other was the star of “Better Call Saul.” My neighbor met Mohammed Ali at an airport. My sister-in-law once saw Linsay Graham at an airport. He did not throw away his food garbage after eating. Just left it on the table. I’m not making a political statement.

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