Sleep Now, My Bride

Sleep now, my bride, the cares of life go on;
You need not shoulder them again tonight.
I know your worried love will never cease,
But close your eyes, and fade down with the light –

For happiness is yours to have and dream,
And solace can be found in knowing true
That everything you’ve touched is better for
The warmth and joy you bring by being you.

Of pain and hurt I know you’ve been aware;
But rest, my love, let go of all your care.
When you awake, just know: you’ll find me there —
Sleep now, my bride, let go
Of all
Your care

3 thoughts on “Sleep Now, My Bride

  1. My heart feels those words. As always, perfection. Life, through your eyes, must be an absolute wonderland of emotion.

  2. Lovely.. i cried with those words.. the emotions achingly true.. tell the story of a love.. that is to crave for.. a love.. that is true

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