Valor’s Echo

So much lost, so much forgone
From our towns and burroughs drawn
Men and women represent
Manor, house or tenement

For the heart, the home, the cause:
Stout defense of hard won laws
To the fallen, far apace
Off at some forsaken place

Oh now heart remember these
Valor’s echo, heard at ease
Not forgotten: how or why
Heroes made
Of gal
And guy

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Twenty-Five.”

(With heroes, the last letter considered… is “i”)

A Bash

The good news has come in, and now
It’s time to make a splash;
I’m gonna celebrate tonight
By having a big bash

So first, I’ll bash my enemies,
Competitors, what-not;
For having the temerity
Of what wanting what I’ve got

And then I’ll bash their hopes; I will
Make fun of what they think.
For nothing could be sweeter –
No known food and no known drink –

And lastly, I will rub it in.
I’ll just enjoy myself;
For good news that I get is likely
Bad for someone else

But to the victors go the spoils.
I have won, so there:
You can come to my bash or not,
I really do not care

For all of us will have our day:
The tepid, saints or sinners –
But one thing that we all can do
Is be

= = = = =

Celebrate Good Times

You receive some wonderful, improbable, hoped-for good news. How do you celebrate?

= = = = =

Paean to Self-Righteousness

I don’t have everything I want,
And so, I’m truly needy;
I do not like to pay for things
But other folks are greedy

It’s up to those damned others
To address what I might lack;
My shoulders rather stretched from patting
Myself on the back

For here in my perfection
I judge culture as a whole;
I may not look much like a god:
But know it —
My role

Of Topmost Importance

They say I write of common things,
Eschew the controversial:
Like I am just some writing whore,
Who’s interests are commercial

But from hard questions I won’t flinch
With fire in my belly —
Like which should go the topside up:
The p.b. or the jelly?

(Note: the author of this blog disavows any responsibility if the reader of this post (a) is hungry now and (b) it is the middle of the night. – Owen)

The View From Pirates Tower

He tried to put it into words
Like part of an amazing dream
But found he couldn’t bring to life
The wondrous sight that he had seen

For magic’s made of moments that
Are only for the people there:
That’s why we must get out and live
Leave off our blogs
And breathe real air

= = = = =

Photo credit:  © Baldas1950 | – Lonely Tourist Looking Full Moon On The Sea Photo