Unlicensed Life Expert

Now all day long, I give advice.
It’s free, but well worth twice the price;
Just come to me with all your woes:
I’m sure I can solve all of those.

For unlicensed life expert (me)
Will counsel you to sanity:
With bromides, and with pale cliches,
I’ll guide you through life’s twisted maze.

And though you might ask who the hell
Am I, to think that I can tell
You how to live, or who to date,
Believe me: I’m just really great.

So join our new proclivity
To dwell in positivity:
For no cents, you will get no sense,
And little

A Few of Her Words…

Body Image

“I’ve worked as a model for years:
And I’ve been grateful for the money.
I needed it to get through school, and
It’s helped a lot the years right after.

I’ve known girls who envied me for my
‘Good looks’, but
Believe me, it is no panacea.

It makes you a target
For men who like to collect
Trophies, and

It makes you hated by some women
Who don’t even know you.

People talk to me like I’m stupid,

And men have treated me like a cuff-link.

Part of me fears that,
The day my looks start to go,
There will be no ‘me’ anymore:
That all I am
Is a ‘thing’…

Some ‘thing’

For other people

To look at”