Ode to Ikea

In Sweden it gets very dark
Along with freezing weather;
So lots of time they have time to put
Their furniture together.

They send it out in boxes
Which come promptly to your door
So you can then assemble it
In sixteen days or more.

Their stuff is good – it’s very good –
But I do not agree
That furniture for daily life
Should be the death of me.

Morning, Noon and Night

Morning, she is soothing
Tranquility and grace
Doe’s eyes with a pensive gaze
Quiet voice and sudden smile
Keen mind in pursuit of solitude
Tired, intelligent and placid

Noon, she is curious
Active and bright
Absorbed in detail, but lost in reality
Ambitious and Honest
Competitive and Loving
Upright, smart and soft

Night, she is a fire
Passion and fortitude
Eyes laughing or blazing with anger
Caring completely, but hesitant to commit
Spirit generous but fallible
Sad, sharp, and faithful

Morning, Noon and Night
Peace, Joy and Love brought to an ashen life
As if the faces of the very stars
Turned empty darkness
Into a glistening city of the blessed


nights when they are crying you do all you can to comfort them
and when heartbreak comes in teenage years your heart breaks, too
you pour out every lesson you’ve ever learned
share every enthusiasm you know
and shape your very existence around attempts to bring them joy
teach them right from wrong
give them security
make them feel loved and worthy
give them what they need to go after the life they want to live

and then they grow up

armed with all that

and despise you

because it wasn’t enough

Poem from Old Lecture Notes

Old Notebook

There are two types of knowledge

Seeks to use techné
(or technology or magic)
To dominate our surroundings,
Including both nature and
Other human beings

The other
Seeks to use logos
(or reason or the principle of order)
To understand our surroundings
Including ourselves, nature, and others

The second of these might be called

The first might be called