You Are Letting Me Go?…

[Inspired by this post.  I do not know the author, so I hope she accepts my apology in advance for using her post in such a manner. – Owen]

= = = = = | = = = = =

You say you don’t deserve me, and
That I deserve much more:
But yet it’s only you I’ve ever wanted.

And so it is your fault, but it is
Me that’s out the door.
I must admit it – for all of your vaunted

Honesty, I have to say, that I am not convinced.
Except for one thing:
That you don’t want me.

So write me off, unable to stem your dissatisfaction:
Condemn the man you say
You’re setting free

The Many Festivals of Owen “Beleaguered” Servant

My heavens, the idea of this prompt is terrifying:

A festival named after me, given my new position as
(Even more) delusional supreme ruler of the universe.

Well, occupying that august position calls for more than
Just one holiday, so here’s my list:

New Fear’s Day – to celebrate
More idol terrors of the mind:
Saint Owen’s Day – we’ll turn this guy
Into the new Saint Valentine

The equinoxes we will call
Beleaguered Spring, Beleaguered Fall
On solstices, instead we’ll say
Long Servant’s Night, Full Servant’s Day

We’ll celebrate neurosis by
A day reading my poetry,
And have a mass psychosis by
Reliving my long puberty

We will have feasts with each eclipse
Of Red Bull and potato chips;
And every college student must
Spend three weeks taking pointless trips

And by the time these feasts have reached
The populace: the where, the how —
I’m sure that I’ll have been impeached
And be back to where I am now

But you will suffer quite enough
If come here
And read my stuff


His girlfriend likes to drink a beer,
Sometimes she’ll take a smoke;
She loves an outdoor cook-out,
Now-and-then, a dirty joke

She joins the conversation with
A flower in her hair;
And when she’s not around, we always
Ask why she’s not there

His girlfriend loves to party,
But, that’s fine (of course) because:
She is not hurting anyone –
Just doing
What she does


Now rest your head upon my shoulder
As I slowly stroke your hair;
And leave behind the busy day
The world of tension, toil, and care

Now sleep, my love, just float away;
The day is done, the day is done –
Now rest your weary head on me
My sleepy, perfect, lovely one

Now sink in slumber, peacefully,
And dream your dreams, both bright and deep;
Let go the world, and cling to me
Just close your eyes, and go to sleep

The Science of Understanding

I study hard
To try and see
The reasons why
That you and me –
In anything
We do at all –
Will stumble first,
And lastly fall.

The world is wide,
And we are small.
The plans we make –
They often stall.
For “Life” there’s no
Master’s Degree;
Why do we keep
Such certainty?

= = = = =

Picture / photo credit : © Dmytro Kozlov |

Slow Dance

The day had been long one
When I dragged in at night,
The house seemed very dim, except for
Just one hallway light

And there I found her waiting,
A twinkle in her eyes.
She looked at me and smiling said
“I got you a surprise”

The music started softly,
And favorite, old and slow;
And we began to move together
Just like long ago

The tune so beautiful and sweet,
Are bodies slowly swayed;
And as we held each other there,
The long day drained away

And dancing moved to kisses,
Then our kisses to our bed;
And long-forgotten was the day
In the long night ahead

A slow dance given by surprise
On 1 to 10? A 10 —
I never stopped, but somehow I’m
In love with her