point of admission

she said
she never knew true love
until she had a child

and i felt hurt
as men will tend to do

to know
that we're extrinsic
to a woman's love
at last reckoning

yet i had learned
the lessons i was taught
as a child --

that men are expendable
in fire
in flood
in war

it is our job to die
so the greater work
can go on
without us

if needs make so

and that women will
the full expression
of their love


to the smallest person
in the room

and they'll call you

when they're ready

for another one


3 thoughts on “point of admission

  1. wow, ya he’s pointing out something that men don’t often talk about- what it feels like to be a man. Ironic when men feel used or abused often it goes unheard, when women feel used and abused the whole world kind of finds out. Great work- I had not thought of that myself -especially the connection between men and war. Keep writing!

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