A Death Unnoticed

Look back on life, remember
How much you used to feel
For many things and people
That barely now seem real

You never made that journey,
And now no longer care;
You pass by former lovers
As if they were not there

The many songs you used to know —
The words have slipped away —
While new routines replace the old
And day leads on to day

The person you remember
You will not come across:
That you was buried years ago
But no one marked
The loss

6 thoughts on “A Death Unnoticed

  1. But no one marked the loss, quite a powerful line indeed. Someone used to feel and something, unknown to us all, changed them. What embittered them, I wonder? So sad when a heart hardens and becomes buried beneath jaded and cold thoughts….such a sad death indeed, especially since no one noticed. 🙁

      1. It threatens to overtake us all at least once in our lives, I think. The challenge is to not let it take root and control our thoughts and actions. ♡

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