6 thoughts on “resting rhino

      1. Well probably the Rino if you are trying to imply that it is in terror of age or death. But somehow i doubt it is; i think only people get wound up like that. And, i don’t think we should anthropomorphize our feelings; to do so just isn’t appropriate. We don’t know.
        Besides today i feel compassion and empathy for the big beast; if one took a photo of me right now that is just the look they’d catch-being dead could be so peaceful.

  1. Well probably the Rino if you are trying to imply that it is in terror of age or death. But somehow i doubt it is; i think only people get wound up like that. And, i don’t think we should anthropomophize our feelings; to do so just isn’t appropriate. We don’t know.
    Besides today i feel compassion and empathy for the big beast; if one took a photo of me right now that is just the look they’d catch-being dead could be so peaceful.

      1. yes i see that now. the look is almost one of complete utter boredom and of having basically given up perhaps as you suggest in the face of so much abuse. It is missing a horn.

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