Frequently Asked Question #Only

My Hand
An app-generated sketch of my actual left hand. No models or stock photos used.

For all of you blog curious
Who’ve asked, I now will boast:
I’m not in any picture that
I’ve used before this post

At least, not out on this blog*.
Fifty-two point four today;
Caucasian, overweight and with
A beard that’s mostly gray

I am not female, am not young.
And that, my friends, is that:
I’d put my picture out here if
It was worth looking at

* I did show a sketch of one my eyes once, but that was a reblog from another site.

7 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Question #Only

  1. Ok…thank you for appeasing our curiosity on that one….now…question #2) how do you find the time to write so damn much? Are you going for your MFA?

    1. Actually it’s a one year project, trying to do three posts a day (on average) for a year. I’m looking forward to having a more normal life soon – I could use some exercise.

      And no MFA, although I have a Master’s degree in math, and the moral equivalent of a PhD in my insane dedication to this project.

      1. Im struggling to get one post down a day, thank God I didnt set a time limit. I might call it good if i do it for 7

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