
Three hundred and nine straight days long
My current writing streak —
If that sounds, well ridiculous
And like I am a freak

Consider: in that stretch of time
I’ve a full-time career:
We’ve bought a house and moved
I’ve had to travel far and near

The pieces that I’ve written
(By my counting) are “a ton” —
One thousand and some eighty-three
Including this last one

Rough forty – yet to publish
Now its four or five a day;
And it has struck me forcibly
I can’t go on this way

So come December 31st
I plan to slack my pace:
To drastically cut down
So to rejoin the human race

And maybe spend more time on things
Outside of my own head:
Perhaps with friends or family
And in real life


4 thoughts on “Prolonging

  1. Hi, you do have lovely writing, I enjoy yours posts thank you. I feel like a freak, wait up till midnight so I can type. If that’s not a freak, I don’t know what is 🙂

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